פרסומים אקדמיים

מסורת אהובה ושנואהזהות יהודית מודרנית וכתיבה ניאו-חסידית בפתח המאה העשרים
רוס ניחם.

מסורת אהובה ושנואה

זהות יהודית מודרנית וכתיבה ניאו-חסידית בפתח המאה העשרים

. ירושלים: הוצאת ספרים מוסד ביאליק; 2010. Available from: http://www.bialik-publishing.co.il/product_info.php?products_id=1471&osCsid=d2d452 לקנייה

ספר זה בוחן אהדה רומנטית מודרנית לתנועה החסידית כפי שהופיעה בפתח המאה העשרים, כמו למשל בעיבודים אמנותיים חדשים לסיפורי חסידים או בהיסטוריוגרפיה מוקדמת של החסידות. החיבור מוצא מכנה-משותף אידיאולוגי ביצירות ניאו-חסידיות של מרטין בובר, י"ל פרץ, ברדיצ'בסקי והורודצקי ומציג את התדמית הרומנטית שהודבקה לחסידות כנסיון מגמתי לנסח בהשראתה של החסידות אפיק אקטואלי של זהות יהודית אלטרנטיבית, מודרנית במהותה, ואנטי-רבנית. 

ד"ר ניחם רוס מלמד במחלקה למחשבת ישראל ע"ש גולדשטיין-גורן באוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב, ומכהן כמנהל מכון גנדל להשכלה יהודית באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. עניינו המחקרי במורשתה ועולמה של החסידות, בהגות 'דור התחייה' העברי, בגלגולם הספרותי והחדשני של מקורות ומוטיבים מסורתיים ובניסיונות מודרניים להבנייתה של זהות יהודית חדשה; כל אלו משתלבים יחדיו בחיבור שלפנינו.

A Case Study of Jewish Day School Leadership: How Way Leads on the Way
Pomson A.

A Case Study of Jewish Day School Leadership: How Way Leads on the Way

. PEJE; 2010. Available from: http://peje.org/old/index.php/publications-a-media/books-and-articles לקנייה

A Case Study of Jewish Day School Leadership: How Way Leads on to Way surfaces core challenges confronting Jewish day schools today: how schools can develop productive ways of working with one another and with other communal agencies; how leadership transition can enable the healthy renewal of institutions; how the conditions of financial sustainability might be cultivated in schools; and how day schools can contribute positively to the ecosystems of Jewish communal life. This groundbreaking publication was featured at the 2010 PEJE Assembly for Advancing the Jewish Day School Field.

The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture, 100 C.E. -350 C.E.: Texts on Education and Their Late Antique Context
Hirshman M.

The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture, 100 C.E. -350 C.E.: Texts on Education and Their Late Antique Context

. Oxford University Press; 2009. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Stabilization-Rabbinic-Culture-100-350/dp/0195387740 לקנייה

Drawing on the great progress in Talmudic scholarship over the last century, The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture is both an introduction to a close reading of rabbinic literature and a demonstration of the development of rabbinic thought on education in the first centuries of the Common Era. In Roman Palestine and Sasanid Persia, a small group of approximately two thousand Jewish scholars and rabbis sustained a thriving national and educational culture. They procured loyalty to the national language and oversaw the retention of a national identity. This accomplishment was unique in the Roman Near East, and few physical artifacts remain. The scope of oral teaching, however, was vast and was committed to writing only in the high Middle Ages. The content of this oral tradition remains the staple of Jewish learning through modern times. Though oral learning was common in many ancient cultures, the Jewish approach has a different theoretical basis and different aims. Marc Hirshman explores the evolution and institutionalization of Jewish culture in both Babylonian and Palestinian sources. At its core, he argues, the Jewish cultural thrust in the first centuries of the Common Era was a sustained effort to preserve the language of its culture in its most pristine form. Hirshman traces and outlines the ideals and practices of rabbinic learning as presented in the relatively few extensive discussions of the subject in late antique rabbinic sources. The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture is a pioneering attempt to characterize the unique approach to learning developed by the rabbinic leadership in late antiquity.

Jewish Day Schools, Jewish Communities: A Reconsideration
Pomson A, Deitcher H eds.

Jewish Day Schools, Jewish Communities: A Reconsideration

. Littman Library Of Jewish Civilization; 2009. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Day-Schools-Communities-Reconsideration/dp/1904113745/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321180769&sr=1-1 לקנייה

About 350,000 Jewish children are currently enrolled in Jewish day schools, in every continent other than Antarctica. This is the first book-length consideration of life in such schools and of their relationship both to the Jewish community and to society as a whole. It provides a rich sense of how community is constructed within Jewish schools, and of how they contribute to or complicate the construction of community in the wider society...

Peace Education in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Comparative Perspectives
McGlynn C, Bekerman Z, Zembylas M, Gallagher T eds.

Peace Education in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Comparative Perspectives

. Palgrave Macmillan; 2009. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Peace-Education-Conflict-Post-Conflict-Societies/dp/0230608426/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321180802&sr=1-1 לקנייה

While the number and range of international peace programmes continues to proliferate, there is a marked absence of interdisciplinary and comparative research to guide academic development and inform practice in this challenging arena. It is these deficits that the present volume aims to address. This collection of peace education efforts in conflict and post-conflict societies brings together an international group of scholars to offer the very latest theoretical and pedagogical developments for long term solutions.

Cultural Education-Cultural Sustainability: Minority, Diaspora, Indigenous and Ethno-Religious Groups in Multicultural Societies
Bekerman Z, Kopelowitz E eds.

Cultural Education-Cultural Sustainability: Minority, Diaspora, Indigenous and Ethno-Religious Groups in Multicultural Societies

. Routledge; 2008. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Education-Sustainability-Ethno-Religious-Multicultural/dp/0415995906/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321180690&sr=1-1 לקנייה

This volume is a path-breaking contribution to the study of efforts of diaspora, indigenous, and minority groups, broadly defined, to use education (formal and informal) to sustain cultural continuity while grappling with the influences and demands of wider globalizing, nationalizing, or other homogenizing and assimilatory forces. Particular attention is given to groups that use educational elements other than second-language teaching alone in programs to sustain their particular cultural traditions. The focus of the book on cultural sustainability changes the nature of questions posed in multicultural education from those that address the opening of boundaries to issues of preserving boundaries in an open yet sustainable way.

As forced and elective immigration trends are changing the composition of societies and the educational systems within them -- bringing a rich diversity of cultural experience to the teaching/learning process -- diaspora, indigenous, and minority groups are looking more and more for ways to sustain their cultures in the context of wider socio-political influences. This volume is a first opportunity to consider critically multicultural efforts in dialogue with educational options that are culturally particularistic but at the same time tolerant.

Academics will find this an excellent reference book. Practitioners will draw inspiration in learning of others’ efforts to sustain cultures, and will engage in critical reflection on their own work vis-à-vis that of others. Teachers will realize they do not stand alone in their educational efforts and will uncover new strategies and methodologies through which to approach their work.

Mirror Images: Popular Culture and Education
Silberman-Keller D, Bekerman Z, Giroux H, Burbules N eds.

Mirror Images: Popular Culture and Education

. Peter Lang Publishing Inc.; 2008. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Mirror-Counterpoints-Studies-Postmodern-Education/dp/1433102307/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321180722&sr=1-1 לקנייה

"Few books capture as clearly the critical place and influence of popular culture on education. Silberman-Keller, Bekerman, Giroux, and Burbules have launched a collaboration that helps educators understand the learning process outside the confines of classroom pedagogy but provides the conditions of possibility for improving schools. Its expert contributors travel through social experiences that no educator can take for granted any longer as extra-curricular. If schooling is education of the whole person then this book takes us one step closer to that transformation." —Zeus Leonardo, University of California, Berkeley

Back to School: Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews
Pomson A, Schnoor R.

Back to School: Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews

. Wayne State University Press; 2008. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Back-School-Jewish-Lives-Adults/dp/0814333834 לקנייה

Beyond the walls of their synagogues, Jewish adults are creating religious meaning in new and diverse ways in a range of unconventional sites. In Back to School, authors Alex Pomson and Randal F. Schnoor argue that the Jewish day school serves as one such site by bringing adults and children together for education, meeting, study, and worship-like ceremonies. Pomson and Schnoor suggest that day school functions as a locus of Jewish identity akin to the Jewish streets or neighborhoods that existed in many major North American cities in the first half of the twentieth century.

Back to School began as an ethnographic study of the Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School (DJDS) in Toronto, a private, religiously pluralistic day school that balances its Jewish curriculum with general studies. Drawing on a longitudinal study at DJDS, and against the backdrop of a comparative study of two other Toronto day schools as well as four day schools from the U.S. Midwest, Pomson and Schnoor argue that when parents choose Jewish schools for their children they look for institutions that satisfy not only their children's academic and emotional needs but also their own social and personal concerns as Jewish adults. The authors found an uncommon degree of involvement and engagement on the part of the parents, as genuine friendships and camaraderie blossomed between parents, faculty, and administrators. In addition, the authors discovered that parents who considered themselves secular Jews were introduced to or reacquainted with the depth and meaning of Jewish tradition and rituals through observing or taking part in school activities.

Sitting on the cusp between the disciplines of education and the sociology of contemporary Jewish life, Back to School offers important policy implications for how Jewish day schools might begin to re-imagine their relationships with parents. Jewish parents, Jewish studies scholars, as well as researchers of educational and social trends will enjoy this evocative volume.

Addressing Ethnic Conflict through Peace Education: International Perspectives
Bekerman Z, McGlynn C eds.

Addressing Ethnic Conflict through Peace Education: International Perspectives

. Palgrave Macmillan; 2007. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Addressing-Ethnic-Conflict-through-Education/dp/1403971684 לקנייה

The volume brings together an outstanding group of international scholars from the field of peace/co-existence education and education for social cohesion to build understanding of the impact of sustained educational efforts towards peace, co-existence and reconciliation in countries emerging from protracted conflict. It explores the impact of innovative long term methods of pursuing peace and reconciliation such as the creation of integrated schools and/or policy whose central aim is the celebration of diversity and rejection of prejudice in countries where prolonged interracial or interethnic conflict has scarred society.

Philosophers and Scholars: Wolfson, Guttmann and Strauss on the History of Jewish Philosophy
Cohen J.

Philosophers and Scholars: Wolfson, Guttmann and Strauss on the History of Jewish Philosophy

.; 2007. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Philosophers-Scholars-Wolfson-Guttmann-Philosophy/dp/0739119990/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410776233&sr=8-1&keywords=jonathan+cohen+philosophers+and+scholar לקנייה

Jonathan Cohen brings together the views of three of the greatest scholar-thinkers in the area of Jewish philosophy of the twentieth century, Harry Austryn Wolfson (1887-1974), Julius Guttmann (1880-1950), and Leo Strauss (1899-1973). Each thinker's construction of Jewish philosophy is presented through individual definitions of Judaism and philosophy, understandings of its historical development, and analyses of the canons used in interpretations of Jewish philosophical texts.

Learning in Places: The Informal Education Reader
Burbules N, Bekerman Z, Silberman-Keller D eds.

Learning in Places: The Informal Education Reader

. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers; 2006. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Places-Counterpoints-Postmodern-Education/dp/0820467863/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321180256&sr=1-1 לקנייה

Learning in Places is a concerted effort undertaken by an outstanding group of international researchers to create a resource book that can introduce academic, professional and lay readers to the field of informal learning/education and its potential to transform present educational thinking. The book presents a wealth of ideas from a wide variety of disciplinary fields and methodological approaches covering multiple learning landscapes—in museums, workplaces, classrooms, places of recreation—in a variety of political, social and cultural contexts around the world. Learning in Placespresents the most recent theoretical advances in the field; analyzing the social, cultural, political, historical and economical contexts within which informal learning develops and must be critiqued. It also looks into the epistemology that nourishes its development and into the practices that characterize its implementation; and finally reflects on the variety of educational contexts in which it is practiced.

צריך עיון.מסורת ומודרנה בחינוך היהודי בזמננו
רוזנק מיכאל.

צריך עיון.מסורת ומודרנה בחינוך היהודי בזמננו

. ירושלים: הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית; 2003. Available from: http://www.magnespress.co.il/Book/%D7%A6%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%9A+%D7%A2%D7%99%D7%95%D7%9F.aspx?code=45-231043 לקנייה

החינוך הוא תחום של פעילות בלתי פוסקת ואין הוא פוסח על שום אדם, מקום או זמן. בכל חברה אנושית מצויים מחנכים המבקשים להכניס את הצעירים אל תרבותם: להקנות להם את דרכי החשיבה המאפיינות את חברתם ולהכשירם במיומנויות המאפשרות פעילות יעילה ומספקת. אך בעולם משתנה אין הכנסת צעירים אל תרבותם דבר פשוט. מהי בדיוק תרבות ומי קובע זאת? ובאיזו זכות מקנים אותה? האם המסורת עדיין מספקת תשובות לשאלות כאלה, או שמא אמתות דאשתקד אינן יותר מפריטים בהיסטוריה של רוח האדם, הנתונה בתנועה ובתמורה אין-סופיות?

החינוך חשוב מכדי שייעשה בלא מחשבה המבהירה מושגים והבוחנת דרכים להגשמת אידאלים אישיים וחברתיים. והדברים ייאמרו על החינוך היהודי במיוחד, כי בתחומו התהיות עולות בהתמדה ובחדות: האם אבד הכלח על המסורת החינוכית היהודית, או היא ממשיכה לספק כלים ליצירת בני אדם החיים לאור אמתות נצחיות? ושמא סר חנה של מסורת זו? הן במדינת ישראל הן מחוצה לה נשאלות שאלות אלה מתוך תחושת דחיפות; בנפשנו הן. החינוך במובנו הכללי לא ייגמר לעולם, אך אין כל ביטחון שהחינוך היהודי ימשיך להתקיים באופן משמעותי בקרב ציבורים החיים בתוככי המודרנה.

ספר זה בוחן עקרונות בחינוך היהודי ומציע דרכים לחשוב על הבעיות המאיימות עליו. אמונת היסוד של המחבר היא שבחינוך, כבתחומים מעשיים אחרים, אין המעשה יכול להתקיים לאורך זמן בהיעדר תאוריה טובה.

מילים המנסות לגעת. מחקר איכותני - תאוריה ויישום
שקדי אשר.

מילים המנסות לגעת. מחקר איכותני - תאוריה ויישום

. תל אביב: הוצאת רמות - אוניברסיטת תל-אביב; 2003. Available from: http://www.kotar.co.il/KotarApp/Viewer.aspx?nBookID=92549046#165.0.8.fitwidth לקנייה

ספר זה פורש בפני הקורא באופן רחב, עמוק ושיטתי את תהליך עשיית המחקר האיכותני. הספר סוקר בצורה מפורטת את הגישה ואת השיטות לביצוע המחקר האיכותני. בספר ניתן דגש הן להיבטים העיוניים והן להיבטים המעשיים של המחקר האיכותני.
לאורך פרקי הספר שזורים כל שלבי המחקר ומוקדיו: עיצוב המחקר ושאלותיו, איסוף הנתונים, כתיבת הדו"ח המסכם וכן גישת המחקר האיכותני וייחודה, סוגיית אמינות המחקר האיכותני וכו'. כמחצית מפרקי הספר מוקדשים לסוגיית ניתוח הנתונים, בהיותה הסוגייה המורכבת והמאתגרת ביותר בניהול המחקר.
הספר מיעד לחוקרים וסטודנטים, לאלו המעוניינים להכיר את המחקר האיכותני, לעשות את צעדיהם הראשונים במחקר איכותני וכן לבעלי ידע וניסיון בתחום זה.
הספר ערוך באופן המאפשר שימוש בו כספר קורס במחקר איכותני.

The Gaon of Vilna: The Man and his Image
Etkes I.

The Gaon of Vilna: The Man and his Image

.; 2002. Available from: http://www.amazon.com/Gaon-Vilna-Man-His-Image/dp/0520223942 לקנייה

"A pathbreaking book in Jewish Studies. Etkes is careful to separate the man himself from the mythic role he later came to occupy in the modern Jewish landscape. This emphasis upon 'image,' and not only upon the 'man,' gives the Etkes volume a unique and broad flavor."--David Ellenson, author of Between Tradition and Culture

"Etkes probes the image and reception of the Vilna Gaon in the movements he spawned (Haskalah) and opposed (Hasidism) and provides a sophisticated sense of the dynamism and power of historical images in forging battle lines in the highly fractious world of nineteenth-century Eastern European Jewish culture."--David N. Myers, author of Re-Inventing the Jewish Past